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HarvestEye™ provides useful
position-based live information
on root crops as the crop
is harvested
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Please contact us, and we will help you get started!

HarvestEye™ provides unprecedented levels of insight with a suite of valuable reports.
Understanding the precise size, weight, and count profile means you can market your crops more profitably.
Crop variability can be mapped across precise field locations, providing field performance data.
HarvestEye™ is a system, that shows you the bigger picture, allowing data driven decisions, helping with sustainability and better profitability.
Fitted to harvesting or grading equipment, HarvestEye™ is a cost-effective method to deliver performance data on the size, count and weight. Mapping variability of root crops. Working with HarvestEye™ technology ensures that growers get the best overview of their root crop, helping them make informed decisions – without the need for manual sampling.
Crop sizing and counting
The portal’s dynamic histograms allow users to review the size distribution of harvested crop by count or percentage, differentiating crop from stones and clods that could previously cause errors.
Crop variation and proportion
Live information gathered during harvest shows the in field variation and can highlight areas to be improved in future.
Crop mapping
HarvestEye’s integrated camera technology and sophisticated computer algorithms map the entire field, giving full visibility to growers. Seed producers can also use this infomation to analyse the results of trials such as seed spacing.
Read more from the manufacturers website here
“Working with HarvestEye™ is a simple process for growers and producers alike.”
Get started
Please contact us, and we will help you get started!